Komodo Island.


Komodo Dragon.

This definitely is the real life Jurassic park. Craggy peaks covered in tropical vegetation loom all around us as we swing gently around the port anchor in Slawi Bay. The sea is a stunning blue. The humidity is high. Heavy rain threatens but never comes. All that is missing are the pterodactyls wheeling around the sky and the picture is complete.


From our anchorage in Slawi Bay, Komodo Island.

As we swing around the anchor young children come and paddle about in their canoes. As they look at us, we look at them. We must seem totally alien in their world. 


Local kids paddle around the bay.

The guests went on guided tours accompanied by rangers onto this protected reserve. For obvious reason you can’t go wandering alone lest you end up as a tasty snack for a large lizard. A crew tour was organised by the crew pursers so that members of the ships company could enjoy the natural wonder of this island as well . After a couple of hours wandering around the island watching the Komodo Dragons watch us everyone came back into air conditioned splendour of the Seabourn Odyssey and we sailed for Darwin in Australia. 

What a great day it has been. The evening was rounded off very nicely with a Tuscan market themed dinner in the Colonnade.

There are a few photos of the dragons that can be seen by clicking here.

All of the photos in todays page were taken by my son Leo who is rather better at that sort of thing than I am.

 © Mark Dexter 2015