To Venice….and beyond!

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Imagine this if you will.

 Selected to take command of a brand new vessel.

Not any old vessel but a brand new Seabourn Sister.

Not being built in some drafty and dingy shipyard in the nether regions of the world but in Venice….yes Venice in a shipyard selected especially for its expertise in building cruise ships.

Many of her crew will be recognisable to our Seabourn Club members complemented by new members to the Seabourn family selected especially for our ships.

As I sit here in Christchurch airport waiting to fly to Venice I look forward to the task ahead of each and every one of the team selected to bring this latest world class ship to fruition. It will be no mean feat; of that I am sure.

In the days and months ahead I hope to bring you photos and stories of that team as the Seabourn Encore makes ready to meet her guests.

If you have any questions email me and I will try and answer what I can or perhaps post the answer here.

 © Mark Dexter 2015