Corner piece goes in

The past two days I have been busy getting the corner plywood curve fitted and cutting out the hole into the shed. It is a metal shed so I used the angle grinder to cut the hole and fitted a plywood back to the cutout bit for strength. Big mistake. The angle grinder was too vicious but it cant be "uncut" so I will have to live with it for now. I dont have a dremel which would have been a bit more delicate lets say. Pop riveted a hinge and thats done. That gives me a level in the shed now for the storage yard boards.

I have sunk two further posts into the ground and cemented them in place. I cut the 100x100 posts in half as I think that 100x100 posts are way too much and 100 x 50 is more than adequate. Time will tell.

I had to contend with a busy beehive whilst sinking the posts into the ground. I have also had to adjust the line of the posts to skirt around an old rose bush behind the beehive that is 'too precious' to dig out.(not my words and a battle I was not going to win!). It has been too hot and humid here to work outside past 2pm. Not what you want to hear in the distant shores of freezing Europe I know. Being an expat Pom I have also been watching the test match cricket here in NZ. Great game! When I moved here 15 years ago I said I inherited a great rugby team but a shocker of a cricket team. My opinion may change!

Anyway, here are the latest photos of the Applebee and Lavender Line.


 © Mark Dexter 2015